Mechanical Engineering Test MCQs

Rotary compressor is best suited for :

A. large quantity of air at high pressure
B. small quantity of air at high pressure
C. small quantity of air at low pressure
D. large quantity of air at low pressure
E. any one of the above

Which is false statement about air receivers :

A. These are used to dampen pulsations ,
B. These act as reservoir to- take care of sudden demands
C. These increase compressor efficiency
D. These knock out some oil and moisture
E. These reduce frequent on/off operation of compressor

Ratio of indicated h.p. to shaft h.p. in known as :

A. compressor efficiency
B. isothermal efficiency
C. volumetric efficiency
D. mechanical efficiency
E. adiabatic efficiency

Euler’s equation is applicable for :

A. centrifugal compressor
B. axial compressor
C. pumps
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

Which is false statement about multistage compression ?

A. Power consumption per unit of air
B. Volumetric efficiency is high
C. It is best suited for compression
D. The moisture in air is condensed i
E. Outlet temperature is red

Volumetric efficiency of a compressor with clearance volume :

A. increases with increase in compression ratio
B. decreases with increase in compression ratio
C. in not dependent upon compression ratio
D. may increase/decrease

A centrifugal compressor works on the principle of :

A. conversion of pressure
B. conversion of kinetic energy into pressure energy
C. centripetal action
D. generating pressure directly
E. combination of A. and D.

The compressor performance at higher altitude compared to sea level will be :

A. same
B. higher
C. lower
D. dependent on other factors
E. none of the above

An air compressor may be controlled by :

A. throttle control B. clearance control
C. blow-off control
D. any one of the above
E. none of the above

Separators in compressor installations are located :

A. before intercooler
B. after intercooler
C. after receiver
D. between after-cooler and air receiver

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