Math MCQs Quiz 19

Math MCQs Quiz 19

1 / 20

5% people of a village in Sri Lanka died by bombardment, 15% of the remainder left the village on account of fear. If now the population is reduced to 3553, how much was it in the beginning?

2 / 20

In a factory, there are 40% technicians and 60% non-technicians. If the 60% of the technicians and 40% of non-technicians are permanent employees, then the percentage of workers who are temporary is ____?

3 / 20

A mixture of 70 liters of wine and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added to make water 12 ½% of the total mixture?

4 / 20

The amount of water (in ml) that should be added to reduce 9 ml. Lotion, containing 50% alcohol, to a lotion containing 30% alcohol, is__________?

5 / 20

The tax on a commodity is diminished by 20% but its consumption is increased by 10%. Find the decrease percent in the revenue derived from it?

6 / 20

At an examination in which full marks were 500. A got 10% less than B, B got 25% more than C and C got 20% less than D. If A got 360 marks, what percentage of full marks was obtained by D?

7 / 20

If population of certain city increases at the rate of 5%. If population in 1981 was 138915, then population in 1978 was ______?

8 / 20

There were two candidates in an election. Winner candidate received 62% of votes and won the election by 288 votes. Find the number of votes casted to the winning candidate?

9 / 20

Masood’s salary is reduced by 10% and then reduced salary is increased by 10%. Find ,how many percentage his present salary is less as compared to his previous salary?

10 / 20

Nawaz Sahrif spends 10% of his income in house rent, 20% of the rest on his children’s education, 25% of the rest miscellaneous causes. If he now posses Rs. 1944 then his income is_______?

11 / 20

If cost of sugar increases by 25%. How much percent consumption of sugar should be decreased in order to keep expenditure fixed?

12 / 20

The price of an article has been reduced by 25%. In order to restore the original price the new price must be increased by________?

13 / 20

Two numbers are 30% and 37% are less than a third number .How much percent is the second number less than the first?

14 / 20

A man saves 20% of his monthly salary. If an account of dearness of things he is to increase his monthly expenses by 20%, he is only able to save Rs. 200 per month. What is his monthly salary?

15 / 20

A candidate who gets 30% of the marks fails by 50 marks. But another candidate who gets 45% marks gets 25 marks more than necessary for passing. Find the number of marks for passing?

16 / 20

After 38 liters of petrol were poured into the tank, it was still 5% empty. How much petrol must be poured into the tank in order to fill it?

17 / 20

In an examination 40% failed in Urdu, 45% failed in English. If 25% students failed in both the subjects. Then the percentage of failed students is________?

18 / 20

The population of a town is 45000; 5/9th of them are males and the rest females 40% of the males are married. What is the percentage of married females?

19 / 20

The salary of a worker is first increased by 30% and afterwards reduced by 30%. What is net change in his salary?

20 / 20

In an examination, 47% failed in English and 54% failed in Mathematics. Find the pass percentage in both the subjects if 31% failed in both the subjects?

Your score is

The average score is 30%


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