Microbiology MCQs

ELISA test when compared to western blot technique is:

A. Less sensitive less specific
B. More sensitive, more specific
C. Less sensitive, more specific
D. More sensitive, less specific

Which of the following is not a pox virus:

A. Cowpox
B. Molluscum contagiosum
C. Small pox
D. chicken pox

Australian antigen is:

A. HB Ag
D. None of the above

EBV causes all except:

A. Carcinoma of nasopharynx
B. Papilloma
C. Infectious mononucleosis
D. Burkitt’s lymphoma

True about HIV are all except:

A. DNA virus
B. Attacks CD4 cells
C. Macrophages are the reservoir
D. Decrease CD4 count in late stages

All are oncogenic except:

A. EB virus
B. Papilloma virus
C. Herpes simplex virus
D. Varicella zoster virus

DNA covering material in a virus is called as:

A. Capsomere
B. Capsid
C. Nucleocapsid
D. Envelope

Hepatitis C virus belongs to which one of the following virus groups:

A. Picorna viruses
B. Herpes viruses
C. Hepadana viruses
D. Flavi viruses

Rabies virus:

A. Cytotropic
B. Dermatotropic
C. Chromophilic
D. Neurotropic

The Dane particle is the:

B. IgG anti HAV
C. Delta Virus

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