Microbiology MCQs

Who first introduced solid media:

A. Louis pasteur
B. Robert koch
C. Hensen
D. Ogston

Sterilization of liquid paraffin is done by:

A. Autoclaving
B. Hot air oven
C. UV-Radiation
D. Inspissation

The key cell types involved in the acquired immunity include all EXCEPT:

A. B lymphocytes
B. Erythrocytes
C. T lymphocytes
D. Antigen presenting cells (APC

Sterilization is a process in which:

A. Kill all pathogenic micro-organisms
B. Kill all non-pathogenic micro-organisms in the environment
C. Deactivate all pathogens not spores
D. Deactivate all spores and dill pathogenic organism

Immunoglobulin crossing placenta is:

A. Ig M
B. Ig A
C. Ig G
D. Ig D

The term animalcules to oral microorganisms is given by:

A. Wd miller
B. Leuwenhoek
C. Robertson
D. Socranci

Which of the following immunoglobulins has the highest mean serum concentration in humans:

A. IgA
B. IgD
C. IgG
D. IgM

Type of receptor present on T-cells are:

A. Ig A
B. Ig G
C. Prostaglandins
D. CD4

Hot air oven cannot be used for sterilising:

A. Clothes
B. Instruments
C. Culture media
D. Needles

Exotoxins are:

A. Lipid-polysaccharide complex
B. Protein compound
C. Lipoprotein
D. None

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