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After how many years Pakistan got its first constitution?
- 7 years
- 5 years
- 11 years
- 9 years
- None of these
Kharif crop of Pakistan include:
- Rice & sugarcane
- Cotton & maze
- Bajra & jawar
- All of these
- None of these
What is the old name of Attock?
- Campbellpur
- Shalkot
- NeroonKot
- None of these
Indus River system in Pakistan comprises of:
- Four River
- Three Rivers
- Five River
- On River
- Two Rivers
Gulab Singh purchased Kashmir from the British for just?
- RS.50 LAKH
- RS. 60 LAKH
- RS. 75 LAKH
- RS. 90 LAKH
Asrar-e- Khudi is written by
- maulana maudi
- allama iqbal
- maulana azad
- maulana ilyas
SOP stands for
- Stand for producer
- Standoff product
- standard operating procedure
- none of these
How many number of Makki Surahs are there in the Holy Quran:
- 84
- 85
- 86
- None of the above
CPU stands for _____?
- Central Processing Unit
- Central Procedural Unit
- Central Processing Unique
- None
She is ___ tired ___ walk.
- so, far
- too, to
- to, too
- to, to
- all are not correct
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