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Pakistan Ideology is based on the idea of?
- Theocracy
- Democracy
- Monarchy
- Islam
Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was written/signed by?
- Usman Ghani (رضہ)
- Umar Farooq (رضہ)
- Abu Bakr Siddique (رضہ)
- Ali Al-Murtaza (رضہ)
- None of these
Opposite of Tauheed is
- Ablees
- Idol
- Shirk
- None of These
Which is the largest barrage of Pakistan?
- Sukkur
- Guddu
- Chashma
- None of these
In which Islamic month Pakistan was founded ?
- Ramzan
- Muharram
- Safr
- Rajab
Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred in ____ Hijrah?
- 36
- 38
- 40
- 42
Headquarter of SAARC is located in which city ?
- Katmandu
- Islamabad
- Delhi
- None
Term and tenure of Senate membership are _____ years in Pakistan.
- Four years
- Five years
- Six years
- Seven years
- None of these
Which is the fastest Memory of a Computer?
- Main Memory
- Cache Memory
The biggest Islamic country by area is
- Sudan
- Libya
- Kazakhstan
- Egypt
The Tashkent declaration between Pakistan and India was signed on?
- 10 January 1966
- 1 January 1965
- 15 January 1964
- 1 February 1966
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