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some months have 31 days some have 30. how many have 28
- 4
- 1
- 7
- 12
Indus basin treaty signed in:
- 1979
- 1970
- 1960
- None
D.O letter means?
- demand order letter
- Demi-official letter
- Direct order letter
- none of these
How many primary colors are there ?
- 2
- 3
- 8
- 4
The Hijri Calender was innovated by:
- Hazrat AbuBakar (RA)
- Hazrat Ali (RA)
- Hazrat Usman (RA)
- Hazrat Umar (RA)
- None of these
Who was Maulvi Tamizuddin?
- Speaker
- Deputy speaker
- Both
- None
Not until the late Middle Ages glass did become a major construction material. (identify the adverb here)
- Not until the late Middle Ages
- Glass did become
- A major
- Construction material
Which one is a Preposition? Can, Go, With, And, All of these
- Can
- Go
- With
- And
- All of these
He knows German and Italian __ Arabic.
- Beside
- Besides
- With
- From
- None of these
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