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Mostly rice is cultivated in ?
- Sindh
- Punjab
- Gigat
Climate of area is calculated by?
- temperature
- Water
- Both
- None
When is International day for the elimination of violence against women observed?
- 25 November
- 29 November
- 250 November
- 28 November
Wow!, Ah!, Oh! are the examples of
- Preposition
- Conjunction
- Interjection
- Noun
By default the documents are printed in which mode:
- portrait-oriented
- landscape-oriented
- Both
- None
I am _____ sure as you are.
- Quite
- As
- Very
- perfectly
How many districts of Azad Kashmir?
- 12
- 19
- 10
- 15
It is our problem, not ____?
- There
- Their
- Theirs
- Them
Both parties must adhere ____ the terms of the contract.
- By
- In
- With
- To
PowerPoint contains __ for creating presentation.
- Design temples
- Animations
- Insert
- None
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