MOD Operator Special Past Paper 2022

Sajid appears to behave ______, actively helping class fellows to have their home assignments done
  1. Aggressively
  2. Rudely
  3. Cooperatively
  4. None of these
Life promises a lot ——- pleasure.
  1. with
  2. for
  3. of
  4. more
Amazon rainforest is situated in.
  1. Argentina
  2. Chile
  3. France
  4. Brazil
From where a computer can get a virus?
  1. Email
  2. internet
  3. both A and B
  4. none of the above
Which animal picture is on World Health Organization (WHO) Logo?
  1. Lion
  2. snake
  3. horse
  4. elephant
To copy a picture of the screen to the clipboard use
  1. Print screen key
  2. Alt key
  3. Both
  4. Shift key
“Dasht-e-Lut” desert is located in ___
  1. Iran
  2. Iraq
  3. Libya
  4. China
Which Version of the Microsoft office is not valid?
  1. office Vista
  2. Office XP
  3. Office 2007
  4. None of these
The World’s Largest subway System is in —?
  1. Shanghai
  2. Tokyo
  3. London
  4. New York
When UN chief Antonio Guterres arrived on a two-day visit to Pakistan?
  1. 3 September 2022
  2. 5 September 2022
  3. 7 September 2022
  4. 9 September 2022

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