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Currency of South Korea?
- Rupee
- won
- Krone
- Dollar
The word opposite of: embezzle
- compensate
- misappropiate
- balance
- clear
Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmad Babar is the biggest status in -------?
- None
Wow!, Ah!, Oh! are the examples of
- Preposition
- Conjunction
- Interjection
- Noun
Who was Pakistan 1st ambassador to the United Nations Organizations ?
- Abdul Hassan Isfahani
- Patris bukhari
- Muneer akram
- None of these
Quwwat ul Islam Mosque is in _____?
- Kabul
- Agra
- Lahore
- Delhi
Paradise is mentioned in Quran for ___ times.
- 150
- 140
- 155
- 160
The largest Madni Surah in Quran is:
- Surah Al Falaq
- Surah Al Fatiha
- Surah Al Baqarah
- None of these
BIOS stands for-------?
- Board input/output system.
- Back the input/output system.
- Behind input/output system.
- Basic input/output system.
When Kyoto Protocol on International Climate Change was signed?
- 1971
- 1997
- 1990
- 1988
- 1989
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