What type of chart will you use to compare performance of sales of two products ?
- Pie Chart
- Line Chart
- Column Chart
- None
Which feature is used to make selected sentence to All Captital Letters or All Small Letters ?
- Change case
- Change letter
- Change sentence
- Change word
Which of these key are used to apply outline border to the selected cell in MS Excel?
Another name for a pre programmed formula in excel is __
- Cell
- Graph
- Function
- Range
Which of following function is used to sum the values in a range that meet criteria that you specify
What type of chart is useful for comparing values over categories?
- Line Chart
- Column Chart
- Pie Chart
- None
The columns of a table correspond to:
- Table
- Record
- Field
- Cell
The total number of rows in a worksheet?
- Unlimited
- 65,535
- 1,048,576
- 1,068,576
When the CPU detects an interrupt, then it saves its?
- previous State
- Next State
- Current State
- Both A and B
Which feature is used to wrap extra-long text into multiple lines in MS Excel ?
- wrap text
- text wrap
- letter warp
- word wrap