MS Excel MCQs

In a computer spreadsheet, which is true if the current or active cell is B4 and you pressed Enter key ?
  1. you will be in the cell A1
  2. you will be in the cell B5
  3. you will be in the cell B3
  4. you will be in the cell B6

A Workbook is group of _____?

  1. Rows
  2. Columns
  3. Worksheets
  4. None of these

Each workbook may contain _____ worksheets.

  1. Numerous
  2. Five
  3. Three
  4. Four

A workbook initially contains ____worksheets, which are saved in a single file.

  1. Four
  2. Five
  3. Three
  4. One
  5. Two

Which feature allows you to combine multiple cells into a single cell in a table?

  1. Merge Cells
  2. Adjust Cell Size
  3. Split Cells
  4. Align Text

Which of the following is an example of spreadsheet application service?

  1. Microsoft Excel
  2. Microsoft Word
  3. Microsoft PowerPoint
  4. None of these

The software which contains rows and columns is called in MS Excel is called?

  1. Database
  2. Spreadsheet
  3. Word processing
  4. None of these
In MS-Excel, for arranging data in ascending or descending order the command used is?
  1. Filter in review tab
  2. Filter in data tab
  3. Sort in data tab
  4. Sort in review tab
  5. None of these

Which keyboard shortcut is used to add comments in MS Office Excel Worksheet?

  1. Alt + F2
  2. Ctrl + F12
  3. Shift + F5
  4. None of these
In MS-Excel 'cells' can be uniquely identified by:
  1. Colum letters and row numbers
  2. Column numbers and row letters
  3. Numbers only
  4. Rows only

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