MS PowerPoint MCQs

In MS PowerPoint , on mouse click option can be used by?

  1. Transition & on mouse click .
  2. Format & on mouse click .
  3. Insert & on mouse click.
  4. None of these

Borders can be applied to_________?

  1. Paragraph
  2. Text
  3. Cells
  4. All of above

___ is used for presenting one own work report or performance.

  1. MS Power Point
  2. MS Word
  3. MS Excel
  4. None of these

The changing of slides in PPT is called _______?

  1. custom transition
  2. custom animation
  3. slide transition
  4. slide animation

In the current presentation, if we want to insert a new slide, we can choose which of these?

  1. Crtl + F
  2. Ctrl +O
  3. Crtl + M
  4. Crtl + N

Which tab of the ribbon should you go to for removing gridlines on a worksheet?

  1. Formulates
  2. View
  3. Review
  4. Developer
You are required to give brief of your role duties, which of the following would you use?
  1. PowerPoint
  2. Excel
  3. Word
  4. Notepad
Which is the default page set up orientation of slide in MS-Power Point ?
  1. Horizontal
  2. Portrait
  3. Landscape
  4. none

All these most repeated MS Powerpoint MCQs taken from past papers of PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, UPSC, AJKPSC, PMS, OTS, NTS and css exams.

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