MS Word MCQs

Which one is not an Image file ?

  1. .wmv
  2. .png
  3. .bmp
  4. None
In MS Word, formatting is classified into ______ types.
  1. Three
  2. Two
  3. Four
  4. Five

Press _______ key to display the print dialogue box, in MS Word.

  1. Ctrl+B
  2. Alt+P
  3. Ctrl+N
  4. Ctrl+P

A number of letter that appears little above the normal text is called __________?

  1. Superscript
  2. Subscript
  3. Supertext
  4. Toptext
  5. None of these

Shortcut Key to use the paste the selected and copied text?

  1. Crtl +V
  2. Shift +V
  3. Altr +V
  4. None

The "Draft" option appears in which menu?

  1. page layout
  2. insert
  3. view
  4. none

The file that consists of readymade styles that we can easily use for our presentation is known as.

  1. Pre formatting
  2. template
  3. wizard
  4. auto-style
Ctrl + N Shortcut key is used in Ms Word to _______?
  1. Save Document
  2. Open Document
  3. Create a new Document
  4. Close Document

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