Muhammad Ghori History MCQs

Muhammad Ghori History MCQs for competitive exams and one paper jobs test preparation online.

Muhammad Ghori History MCQs

Muhammad of Ghor swept down the Indus into India, defeated the Rajput confederacy there in 1192, and captured:

A) Lahore
B) Dehli
C) Calcutta
D) Ghazni

The Battle of Chandawar was fought between whom in 1194 AD:

A) Chandra Deva and Lakshman Sena
B) Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj
C) Muhammad Ghori and Jaichandra
D) Muhammad Ghori and Aibak

Who among the following ruler had stamped the figure of Goddess Lakhsmi on his coins and had his name inscribed in Nagari’s character:

A) Mahmud Ghaznavi
B) Muhammad Ghori
C) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
D) Muhammad bin Qasim

When Muhammad Ghori died due to an attack by Khokhars:

A) 1200 AD
B) 1203 AD
C) 1206 AD
D) 1209 AD

Muhammad Ghori’s mausoleum is located in:

A) Lahore
B) Multan
C) Gujrat
D Jehlum

Nasir-ud-Din Qabacha was the governor of ……. appointed by Muhammad Ghori:

A) Lahore
B) Dehli
C) Uch
D) Multan

Tajuddin Yildoz was commander of Muhammad Ghori. After the death of Muhammad Ghori, he became ruler of:

A) Lahore
B) Dehli
C) Ghazni
D) Multan

The general of Muhammad Ghori who conquered Bengal and Behar with only seventeen soldiers:

A) Qutub-ud-din
B) Tajj-ud-din
C) Bakhtiar Khilji
D) Sher shah suri

Which battle was fought between Ghori and Prithviraj in 1191 AD and Ghori was defeated:

A) Second battle of Tirana
B) First battle of Tirana
C) First battle of Panipat
D) Third battle of Qanooj

The second battle of Tirana was fought between Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj in:

A) 1191 AD
B) 1192 AD
C) 1193 AD
D) 1194 AD

Shihab ad-Din Muhammad Ghori belonged to the Ghaur dynasty. He was born in Khorasan(Afghanistan) in:

A) 1145 AD
B) 1147 AD
C) 1149 AD
D) 1151 AD

Muhammad Ghori and his brother Ghiyas-ud-din Muhammad captured Ghazni in:

A) 1173 AD
B) 1174 AD
C) 1175 AD
D) 1176 AD

Muhammad Ghori established the Muslim rule in:

A) West India
B) East India
C) North India
D) None of these

Muhammad Ghori captured Multan and Uch in:

A) 1173 AD
B) 1175 AD
C) 1177 AD
D) 1179 AD

Uch Sharif a historic city in Pakistan was founded by:

A) Alexander the Great
B) Prithvi Raj
C) Muhammad bin Qasim
D) Mehmood Ghaznavi

Muhammad Ghori captured Peshawar in:

A) 1173 AD
B) 1175 AD
C) 1177 AD
D) 1179 AD

When Muhammad Ghori defeated Khusrau Malik and became the king of Lahore:

A) 1173 AD
B) 1179 AD
C) 1186 AD
D) 1190 AD

The last Hindu ruler of subcontinent was Prithviraj Chauhan. He belonged to which dynasty:

A) Chahamana
B) Chalukaya
C) Brahmin
D) None of these

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