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Which one is correct: Chemistry, Chemestry, Chemestary
- Chemistry
- Chemestry
- Chemestary
- None of them
Similarities of K9V88856?
- K9v88856?
- K9V8856?
- K9V88856?
- None of these
Mark the Correct spelling: Bailogy, Biology, Belogey, Bulagey
- Bailogy
- Biology
- Belogeey
- Bulagiey
Famous Application Microsoft Office
- PowerPoint
- Excel
- OneDrive
- all of these
The singular of Geese is ____?
- geeses
- geese
- goose
- none of above
Mark the Correct spelling: education ,eduation , eudcation , none of above
- education
- eduation
- eudcation
- none of above
Mark the Correct spelling: unievrse , univers ,universe
- unievrse
- univers
- universe
- none of above
The government can help with exports in Pakistan
- help in investment
- to build infrastructure
- to apply export policies
- all of the above
What is the nature of Athletes?
- Physics
- Zoology
- Sports
- Geography
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