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Which is the capital of France?
- Copenhagen
- Oslo
- Hague
- Paris
- None of these
Which one is correct: Chemistry, Chemestry, Chemestary
- Chemistry
- Chemestry
- Chemestary
- None of them
Mark the Correct spelling: Bailogy, Biology, Belogey, Bulagey
- Bailogy
- Biology
- Belogeey
- Bulagiey
The study of plants is called ___ ?
- zoology
- botany
- chemistry
- none
The Plural of deer is ________ ?
- deer
- sheep
- deery
- none of these
Sound is effective by in ____ medium?
- pressure
- temperature
- humadity
- all of these
Past tense of went is ____ ?
- go
- went
- gone
- going
Which one is correct? I am doing alright, I am doing okay, I am doing great, I am alright doing.
- i am doing alright
- i am doing okay
- i am doing great
- i am alright doing
Which one is correct? They were at a party?, They are at a party?, They was at a party? None
- They were at a party?
- They are at a party?
- They was at a party?
- None of these
Past form of Eat is ___?
- eaten
- ate
- both
- eating
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