NADRA Junior Executive Past Paper

NADRA Junior Executive Past Paper 2024 MCQs with answers for NADRA junior executive jobs test preparation.

NADRA Junior Executive Past Paper MCQs

Which one of the following is the largest sector of Pakistan’s economy?
  1. Agriculture
  2. Banking
  3. Industry
  4. Manufacturing
The Largest Ocean of the World by area?
  1. Indian Ocean
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Southern Ocean
  4. Pacific Ocean
SQL stands for ___.
  1. structured query language
  2. sequence query language
  3. structured query logo
  4. None
Which is the capital of the country Bangladesh?
  1. Dhaka
  2. Khatmandu
  3. Ulanbaatar
  4. None o these
Which country is known as “Land of Rising Sun”?
  1. Russia
  2. Canada
  3. Korea
  4. Japan
Synonyms of ambiguous
  1. Unclear
  2. Clear
  3. Clean
  4. None
Which country is called the “ Land of the Midnight Sun ”?
  1. Netherlands
  2. Japan
  3. Norway
  4. South Africa
Which is the highest mountain peak of the world?
  1. Broad Peak
  2. K 2
  3. Nanga Parbat
  4. Mount Everest
  5. None of these
The largest ocean of the world is _____.
  1. Atlantic
  2. Pacific
  3. Indian
  4. Arctic
  5. None of the above
First Chief of Staff of Pakistan Army:
  1. General Zia-ul-Haq
  2. General Tikka Khan
  3. General Ayub Khan
  4. General Pervez Musharraf
Pakistan`s largest seaport is in which city?
  1. Port of Karachi
  2. Muhammad Bin Qasim Port
  3. Gwadar port
  4. None of these

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