Names List of Rivers in Pakistan | One-Liner

Complete list of Pakistan’s Rivers with Detailed MCQs from Past Papers, perfectly organized for exam preparation and General Knowledge.

Names List of Rivers in Pakistan MCQs

The longest and the largest river in Pakistan is? Indus River

The length of Indus River is? 3,180 km

Indus River falls into Arabian Sea near : Karachi

Bolan, Nari, Pishin, Lora Mulla, Hingol, Rakhshan, Dusht and Zhob are the rivers of: Balochistan

Kabul, Swat, Kunhar, Panjkora, Bara, Kurram and Gomal are the rivers of: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Doab between the river Chenab and the river Jhelum is called: Chaj doab

Land between Beas and Ravi is called:  Doaaba Bari

Doaaba Rachna is located between the River Chenab and River : Ravi

_ lies between Indus and Jehlum rivers: Sindh Sagar

Doaaba Chaj is located between River Chenab and River: Kabul

Indus River rises from Kailash Mountain and enters into Pakistan near : Chilas

River Jhelum rises in the Himalayas and meets the River Chenab in southwest of Jhang. Its length is __ kms :  725

Chenab River rises in Himalayas and flows into Pakistan. Its length is _ kms: 1,087 kms

River Ravi rises in the South East of Pir Punjal range and joins the River Chenab. Its length is: 765 km

River Sutlej rises in Tibet (China) and meets the Indus. Its length is _ kms: 1,370

The Swan River flows near the city of: Rawalpindi

The Indus River is shared between Pakistan, India, and:  China

Pakistan’s five major rivers get together at: Panjnad

The plain areas in Sindh, Bahawalpur, and Rachna Doab are called: Cover flood Plain

The major part of the lower Indus plain is: Sindh plain

Active flood plain is also known as bet or:  Khaddar land

The rivers Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej are tributes of which river? Indus

After Indus river the longest river in Pakistan is:  Sutlej river

The area between the Rivers Jhelum and Chenab is called: Chaj

The area between rivers Jhelum and Chenab is called __ Dhab: Chaj

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