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What is the length of M8 Motorway which is from Ratodero to Gawadar?
- 860 km
- 885 km
- 892 km
- 915 km
The M-8 Motorway is between
- Sukkur to Peshawar
- Sukkur to Multan
- Ratodero to Gwadar
- Karachi to Gwadar
- Lahore to Sialkot
When karakorum Highway was completed?
- 1969
- 1989
- 1979
- 1980
Karakorum highway is also called _______?
- N-25
- N-35
- N-655
- None
What is the new name of Kashmir highway?
- ladak highway
- srinagar highway
- poonch hghway
- none
Silk route Karakoram Highway connects Pakistan with?
- India
- Iran
- China
- Afghanistan
Karakoram highway is denoted by
- N-25
- N-35
- N-55
- None
Motor Way from Peshawar to Islamabad is:
- M3
- M1
- M2
- None of the above
اسلام آباد تا پشاور موٹروے کو کیا کہا جاتا ہے؟
- M7
- M1
- M8
- M5
Karakorum highway in Pakistan starts from:
- Islamabad
- Taxila
- Hassan Abdal
- None
I hope you are well and I request from you if you have Motorway msqs then send me.