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The SI unit of length is ___?
- N
- M
- K
- J
The largest river of Pakistan is located in?
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Balochistan
What comes next 19, 38, 57,? 95?
- 48
- 76
- 68
- 39
Find the Odd one out? Banana, Guava, Mango, Pomegranate
- Banana
- Guava
- Mango
- Pomegranate
Rearrange spelling Chikara?
- city
- provine
- capital
- none
Rearrange spelling eddfodils?
- wild
- flower
- fruit
- etc
90 % of 90 = ?
- 90
- 84
- 81
- none
Antonym: Clean?
- washed
- cleaned
- dirty
- unsoiled
Opposite of pure?
- unmixed
- unalloyed
- unadulterated
- adulterated
She walks slowly. Which is an adverb?
- which
- is
- slowly
- none
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