Navy Assistant Past Papers

Complete the given series. 7, 49, 6, 36, 5, ?
  1. 31
  2. 41
  3. 25
  4. 16
If means book , what does GNOC mean ________
  1. house
  2. hand
  3. horse
  4. hero
What letter comes alphabetically in order in the letter, Mother _________-
  1. E
  2. R
  3. M
  4. H
A railway station always has __________
  1. a train
  2. railway line
  3. a platform
  4. a station
A Man is to woman as boy is to _________
  1. father
  2. brother
  3. girl
  4. daughter
Car has mirrior because_______
  1. to see the cars which are ahead?
  2. see the girl in the cars
  3. see the different sights
  4. see the cars coming from behind
Acre is to kanel as the square is to?
  1. karam
  2. marls
  3. mile
  4. kanal
  5. acre
The alternative of Plant: Tree: Girl: ?
  1. wife
  2. mother
  3. women
  4. sister
What is different from the rest? LP, HK, AC, DG
  1. LP
  2. HK
  3. AC
  4. DG
In a class of 60 male and 35 female students 80% class failed in chemistry 30% in English then which one is true?
  1. only female
  2. no male is failed
  3. only male are failed
  4. both male and female are failed

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