NTDC ALM Assistant lineman Paper | 28-07-2024

In a gasoline vehicle, ___ the tends to prevent an arc at the contacts.

  1. Capacitor/spark plug
  2. Thermocouple
  3. Motor
  4. Pedal shift starter

Materials that block flow of electrons are called:

  1. Insulators
  2. Super conductors
  3. Conductors
  4. Semi conductors

The materials are called conductors if the electrons:

  1. Can move easily
  2. Fall within the nucleus after orbiting it
  3. Do not move
  4. Cannot move easily

_ may be used to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, may act to lower voltage levels within circuits.

  1. Diodes
  2. Transistors
  3. Transformers
  4. Resistors

For high current flow in electrical circuits one needs _____?

  1. Silver
  2. Thick conductors
  3. Good conductor
  4. Copper

As the value of AWG increases the thickness of wire?

  1. No effect
  2. Decreases
  3. Increases
  4. None

In electrical cables AWG stands for:

  1. American Wires Group
  2. Anti Wind Gird
  3. American Wire Gauge
  4. American Wide Gears
___ refers to the rate at which energy is supplied or converted by the appliance or circuit.
  1. Pressure
  2. Heat
  3. Power
  4. Potential difference

Also read: All previous years NTDC Past papers online.

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