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The horizontal and vertical lines on a spreadsheet are called:
- Grid-lines
- Block lines
- Sheets
- Cells
King Farooq is the last king of which country ?
- Egypt
- Russia
- Iran
- Iraq
Bicameral Legislature system was introduced for the first time in Pakistan in
- constitution of 1973
- constitution of 1956
- constitution of 1962
- None of the above
On which time the Holy Prophet (PBUH )was gifted with Namaz?
- Miraj
- Hijrat
- Badr
- none
Which key deletes the character to the right of the cursor in MS word?
- Delete
- Backspace
- End
- None
Distance between Medina and Khaybar
- 153 km
- 190 km
- 170 km
- 200 km
Key for removing one character from right side of cursor
- Delete key
- Backspace
- Home Key
- None of these
Synonym of ALERT is ___?
- Watchful
- Observant
- Energetic
- None of these
Allah said this worship is mine and I will reward the virtues
- Fasting
- Namaz
- Hajj
- None of these
Which one of the following is a pull factor in emigration ?
- population pressures
- food shortages
- employment opportunities
- political oppression
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