NTS Vaccinator Past Papers

NTS vaccinator past papers mcqs for jobs test preparation in National Testing Service Pakistan.

NTS Vaccinator Past Papers MCQs

Always: Never::
  1. Intermittently: Casually
  2. Constantly: Continually
  3. Often: rarely
  4. Frequently: Occasionally
Retirement: Employment::
  1. Leisure: time
  2. Graduation: degree
  3. divorce: marriage
  4. promotion
  5. performance
Meeting: Chairperson ::
  1. Trial: judge
  2. committee: nominee
  3. seminar: student
  4. rostrum: speaker
Please vote for the member ____ has done most for our village.
  1. What you believe
  2. who you believed
  3. who you believe
  4. that you believe
Our friends often come to ________ us.
  1. Saw
  2. Seen
  3. Seeing
  4. See
  5. Sees
Bread: Oven::
  1. Silo: corn
  2. Pottery: wheel
  3. Iron: furnace
  4. Ceramics: kiln
Carbohydrate: Obesity::
  1. Pressure: Extrusion
  2. Sugar: cavities
  3. Aversion: regression
  4. Hostility: war
Cargo: Ship ::
  1. Patrons: Library
  2. Animals: Barn
  3. Helium: Dirigible
  4. Passenger: Airplane
Due to his ____ reputation, few were surprised when he joined the fight against _______ medical reforms.
  1. modest, acceptable
  2. inescapable, legitimate
  3. insufficient, overpowering
  4. admirable, unjust
We must ___ trade with neighbouring countries.
  1. add
  2. promote
  3. enter
  4. go

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