NUMS MDCAT Past Paper 2023 MCQs

In perfectly elastic collision:

  • Only momentum is conserved
  • Only K.E is conserved
  • Total energy, K.E & momentum all are conserved
  • Only total energy is conserved

Instantaneous velocity along the curved path is :

  • Parallel to the radius
  • Along the tangent
  • Anti parallel to the radius
  • Perpendicular to the slope

If the car is slowing down along X axis then acceleration will be along :

  • Positive X axis
  • Positive y axis
  • Negative X axis
  • Negative y axis

A 32g radioactive element decay and remain 2g after 60 days. What is the half life of this element:

  • 6 days
  • 10 days
  • 15 days
  • 2 days

 The time taken for half the number of atoms of radioactive isotopes to disintegrate, is called:

  • Total life
  • Average life
  • Half life
  • Mean life

In full wave rectification _____ diodes is used:

  • 2
  • 1
  • 3
  • 4

The conversion of AC into DC is called:

  • Resolution
  • Magnification
  • Rectification
  • Amplification

A device that convert AC into DC is called:

  • Inductor
  • Diode
  • Transistor
  • Capacitor

In fleming right hand rule, second finger represents:

  • Magnetic field
  • Induced current
  • Motion
  • Force

The lenz’s law is also statement of law of conservation of:

  • Charge
  • Energy
  • Mass
  • Pressure

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