NUMS MDCAT Past Paper 2023 MCQs

Which of the following reacts with Carboxylic Acid to:

  • Ketones
  • Aldehyde
  • Alcohol
  • Alkyl Halide

Catalytic reduction of aldehyde & Ketone forms:

  • Carboxylic acid
  • Aldehyde
  • Alcohol
  • Alkane

CnH2n0 is the general formula of:

  • Ether
  • Carboxylic acid
  • Carbolic acid
  • Ketones

Which of the following reactions differentiates alcohol from phenol:

  • Halogenations
  • Lucas test
  • Nitration
  • Iodoform test

Generic formula of cycloalkane is:

  • CnH2nO2
  • CnHnO2
  • CnH2nO
  • CnH2n

Acetophenone can be formed by which of the following reaction:

  • Nitration
  • Alkylation
  • Halogenation
  • Acylation

The cracking method used to obtain better quality gasoline is:

  • Steam
  • Catalytic
  • Radiations
  • Thermal

 Co-ordination number of Na is:

  • 8
  • 9
  • 12
  • 10

Which of the following is malleable and ductile :

  • Aluminum
  • NaCI
  • Mercury
  • Copper sulphate

Which of the following has sp3 hybridization :

  • C2H4
  • BeCI
  • CH4
  • BF3

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