NUMS MDCAT Past Paper 2023 MCQs

What does the word “surplus ” mean ?

  • A mathematical term
  • Salutation
  • Within reach
  • ln excess

He prefers death _____dishonor:

  • To
  • Over
  • On
  • Upon

Abide _____ the traffic laws for smooth and safe flow of traffic:

  • On
  • By
  • To
  • With

 Daud is better than _____ of the college:

  • Any teacher
  • Any teachers
  • All teachers
  • All other teachers

Unless we _____ now, we cannot be on time:

  • Do not start
  • Start
  • Will start
  • Are starting

The soup _____ good:

  • Tastes
  • Taste
  • Has taste
  • Is tasting

I _____ English for fiver years:

  • Study
  • Am studying
  • Have been studying
  • Studies

 These carbohydrates are sweetest among all carbohydrates:

  • Polysaccharide
  • Monosaccharides
  • Disacchride
  • Oligosaccharides

C-H bonds in lipids are important:

  • As cuticle of leaves
  • As insulting material
  • Providing more energy
  • As exoskeleton

Thermal stability of organisms in environment is due to which property of water:

  • Hea capacity
  • Solvent property
  • Ionization
  • Protection

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