NUMS MDCAT Past Paper 2023 MCQs

Which of the following protein establishes the matrix bone and cartilage :

  • Collagen
  • Histone
  • Keratin
  • Elastin

Under activity of parathyroid glands causes a drop in blood of :

  • Na+
  • Ca+
  • Mg+
  • K+

Which hormone is chemically a sterol :

  • Insulin
  • ADH
  • Thyroxin
  • Cortisone

The junction between two neurons is :

  • cleft
  • Axon
  • Synapse
  • Impulse

Sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscles fiber is mainly responsible for :

  • Strong and wastes
  • Calcium storage
  • Lipid metabolism
  • Protein synthesis

Which feature is absent in cardiac muscles :

  • Contractile sacromere
  • Intercalated discs
  • Light and dark bands
  • Multiple nuclei

Cartilage is more difficult to heal than bone because cartilage :

  • Lacks mineral deposits in matrix
  • Lacks vascular supply
  • Lacks protein in matrix
  • Has less number of cells deep down

Pubic symphysis and inter vertebral disc are the example of:

  • synovial joints
  • cartilaginous joints
  • fibrous joints
  • gliding joints

The heart chamber from where aorta originates :

  • Right atrium
  • Left atrium
  • Left ventricle
  • Right ventricle

Vaccination is an example of:

  • Acquired / Artificial active immunity
  • Natural passive immunity
  • Natural active immunity
  • Acquired / Artificial passive immunity

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