General Knowledge MCQs Quiz 45

GK MCQs Quiz 45

1 / 20

Oscar Awards are related to which field?

2 / 20

The Oslo Accord between Israel and Palestine was signed on which date?

3 / 20

World longest metro line has been started in which country?

4 / 20

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has its HQ in ?

5 / 20

Tugela Falls is second highest water fall in the world located in__________?

6 / 20

The Executive Board of WHO is made up of how many specialist?

7 / 20

The Kivu conflict began in 2004 between ?

8 / 20

Which of following organization gives away the Crystal Award to artists who have used art to improve the state of the world?

9 / 20

‘The broken wings’ written by ?

10 / 20

Who wrote the book “The Prophet” ?

11 / 20

Noktundo is disputed territory of ?

12 / 20

First female prime minister in Tunisia and the Arab world is________?

13 / 20

What is the main objective of FATF?

14 / 20

The Hwang Ho River falls into ?

15 / 20

Himawari-8 is a satellite of ?

16 / 20

TONGA is an Island in which ocean?

17 / 20

Mistake island is in which country?

18 / 20

What was code-named of first Indian Nuclear test at Pokhran in 1974?

19 / 20

Who is the writer of Tuzk-E-Babri?

20 / 20

Dalal Street is located in India famous for ?

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The average score is 65%


Online GK Test

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Along with this, after the quiz submission, there is the the link at the end of the quiz to move on the next quiz in the series of our gk quizzes of general knowledge questions.

This test is an effort to help students in preparation of their Online GK Test Quiz.

Also Read: General Knowledge MCQs

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