Pak Study MCQs Quiz 17

Pak Study 17

1 / 20

Who is the leader of the opposition in the Senate of Pakistan?

2 / 20

Iran and Pakistan in April 2024 decided to increase the trade volume between the two countries to_____?

3 / 20

پاکستان میں پہلی مرتبہ عورت مارچ کب منایا گیاـــــــــــــ؟

4 / 20

In Pakistan, National Day of Minorities is observed on:

5 / 20

National Navy day is celebrated on ____?

6 / 20

When is Malala Day celebrated?

7 / 20

Which day Pakistani celebrate on 5th February ?

8 / 20

Kashmir Day is observed in Pakistan on:

9 / 20

As per Pakistan army, which day is observed ‘Black Day’?

10 / 20

Pakistan Army declared which date as 'Martyrs` Respect Day'?

11 / 20

The total area of FATA is ____________?

12 / 20

The meaning of FATA is ?

13 / 20

Height of Islamabad from sea level is _________?

14 / 20

Daman-e-Koh is located in _____?

15 / 20

Golra Sharif is famous for the shrine of ____?

16 / 20

The largest source of drinking water for Islamabad is ___________?Khanpur Dam

17 / 20

Quaid-e-Azam University is located in ________ ?

18 / 20

The Naval Headquarters is located in _________ ?

19 / 20

Famous Shakar Parrian Park is located in _________ ?

20 / 20

The largest mosque of Pakistan located in Islamabad is called _________ ?

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The average score is 71%


Online MCQs Test Pakistan

There are twenty questions in this important Online MCQs Test Pakistan for subject specialist and other competitive exams preparation.

The quiz will help the aspirants to understand the basic concept of Pakistan Studies for one paper exam preparation.

After attempting all the questions in this antonyms quiz, candidates must submit the quiz to see their marks for this quiz.

Students must submit the quiz at the end to see their final marks and the average scores of other aspirants who participate in this Online MCQs Test Pakistan.

After the quiz final submission, candidates will see the link to the next quiz in the series of our Pakistan studies quizzes for one paper preparation.

This Pak study quiz is an effort to help students to prepare their PAK study test for subject specialist tests and one-paper competitive exams.

Read More: Pak Study past papers and MCQs for preparation.

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