Oral Anatomy​ MCQs

Calcification of roots of decidous teeth is completed by_?

A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 6 years
D. 8 years

The decidous canine emerges__?

A. Before lateral incisor
B. Before first molar
C. After first molar
D. After second molar

The most common sequence of eruption of the permanent maxillary teeth in children is__?

A. 1-6-2-3-4-7-5-8
B. 2-3-1-6-7-5-4-8
C. 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8
D. 6-1-2-3-4-5-7-8

Generally in majority of children, the sequence of eruption of permanent teeth in mandible is__?

A. 1-6-2-3-5-4-7-8
B. 6-1-2-4-5-3-7-8
C. 6-1-2-3-4-5-7-8
D. 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8

First evidence of initiation of primary dentition is usually around_?

A. 4 months in utere
B. Birth
C. 4 months after birth
D. One year after birth

Which of the following is dental formula of a 9 years old child_?

A. 6 EDC21/ 6EDC21
C. EDC21/EDC21
D. 76EDC21/ 7EDC21

Number of teeth seen on X- ray at birth__?

A. 20
B. 22
C. 24
D. 30

Eruption date of decidous maxillary 2nd molar is __?

A. 20 months
B. 18 months
C. 24 months
D. 28 months

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