Oral Anatomy​ MCQs

Calcification of third molar begins at__?

A. 8 months
B. 18 months
C. 8 years
D. 16 years

The time taken for primary tooth root completion after eruption__?

A. 3 years
B. 1 years
C. 2 years
D. 1 month

Calcification of all teeth except last molars are completed by__?

A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 6 years
D. 8 years

Once the enamel formation is complete, the tooth will erupt after approximately____?

A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Four years

The correct dentition in a 9- years old child is__?

A. 12 CDE6
B. 12C456
C. 123DE6
D. 123456

Which of the following decidous molars bears the greatest resemblance to a premolar ?

A. Maxillary first
B. Maxillary second
C. Mandibular first
D. Mandibular second

Primary dentition period is__?

A. From birth to 11 years
B. From 6 months to 11 years
C. From 6 months to 6 years
D. From 6 years to 11 years

The primary lateral incisors begin to calcify about the__?

A. 4th month of life
B. 4th month in utero
C. 41/2 month in utero
D. 5th month in utero

In the majority of situations, that first decidous tooth to erupt is the__?

A. Mandibular central incisor
B. Mandibular first molar
C. Maxillary central incisor
D. Maxillary second molar

Cervical bulge. True is__?

A. Enamel rods at cervical region directed occlusal
B. Results in constriction at cervical region
C. Is characteristic of deciduous teeth
D. All of the above

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