Difference between primary and permanent enamel is_?
A. In prism arrangement
B. in mineral content
C. No difference in enamel, difference in dentin
D. None of the above
The sharpest cusp of primary first molar tooth is__?
A. Mesiobuccal
B. Distobuccal
C. Mesiolingual
D. Distolingual
Resorption of root of primary incisors starts at__?
A. 4 yrs
B. 6 yrs
C. 8 yrs
D. 10 yrs
Conjoint tendon is formed by _?
A. External and internal oblique
B. External oblique and transversus abdominis
C. Internal oblique and transversus abdominis
D. Internal oblique
IMPORTANT: Also Read General Knowledge MCQs and Pharmacology MCQs for an effective test preparation online.