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ROM stands for______
- random only memory
- read only memory
- read only
- None
International Court of Justice (ICJ) comprises ____ Judges?
- 10 Judges
- 12 Judges
- 14 Judges
- 15 Judges
The members of International court of justice (ICJ) shall be elected for the term of ?
- 10 years
- 8 years
- 9 years
- None
Article 10-A, right to fair trial was inserted through ________ amendment
- 8th amendment
- 10th amendment
- 15th amendment
- 18th amendment
- None of the above
Synonym of Emaciated
- Very fat
- Very thin
- Very small
- Very Heavy
Deficiency of vitamin A causes:
- loss of appetite
- night blindness
- thought infection
- both A and B
ASCII stands for:
- American Standard Conduct for Information Interchange
- Armenia Standard Code for Information Interchange
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- None of these
The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, was promulgated on:
- 23 March ,1973
- 14 August ,1973
- 6 September, 1973
- None
How many articles are the in 1973 constitution of Pakistan?
- 330
- 250
- 240
- 280
How many general seats Sindh has in the National Assembly?
- 266
- 45
- 61
- 154
- None of these
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