OTS Past Papers for Assistant

ROM stands for______
  1. random only memory
  2. read only memory
  3. read only
  4. None
International Court of Justice (ICJ) comprises ____ Judges?
  1. 10 Judges
  2. 12 Judges
  3. 14 Judges
  4. 15 Judges
The members of International court of justice (ICJ) shall be elected for the term of ?
  1. 10 years
  2. 8 years
  3. 9 years
  4. None
Article 10-A, right to fair trial was inserted through ________ amendment
  1. 8th amendment
  2. 10th amendment
  3. 15th amendment
  4. 18th amendment
  5. None of the above
Synonym of Emaciated
  1. Very fat
  2. Very thin
  3. Very small
  4. Very Heavy
Deficiency of vitamin A causes:
  1. loss of appetite
  2. night blindness
  3. thought infection
  4. both A and B
ASCII stands for:
  1. American Standard Conduct for Information Interchange
  2. Armenia Standard Code for Information Interchange
  3. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  4. None of these
The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, was promulgated on:
  1. 23 March ,1973
  2. 14 August ,1973
  3. 6 September, 1973
  4. None
How many articles are the in 1973 constitution of Pakistan?
  1. 330
  2. 250
  3. 240
  4. 280
How many general seats Sindh has in the National Assembly?
  1. 266
  2. 45
  3. 61
  4. 154
  5. None of these

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