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Who accepted Islam first in Children?
- Hazrat Usman (RA)
- Hazrat Umar (RA)
- Hazrat Ali (RA)
- Hazrat Bilal (RA)
- None Of The Above
Which Sahabi did Jehad on the issue of Zakat?
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Ali
- None of the above
What is the default file extension for all Word documents?
- .txts
- .word
- .docs
- .docx
- Dox
We can insert maximum number of columns in Ms Word are _____
- 35
- 15
- 63
- 65
When first constitution of Pakistan was enforced?
- 8th June 1956
- 23rd March 1956
- 14th August 1956
- 25th December 1956
- 12nd March 1948
In which year MAO School was upgraded to the status of college?
- 1878
- 1877
- 1879
- 1880
Who supported Muslim-Participation in politics?
- Wiqar-ul-Mulk
- Mohsin-ul-Mulk
- Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
- Allama Iqbal
Alley cropping' means:
- Growing of pastures in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees
- Growing of field crops in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees
- Growing of only short duration crops in between two widely spaced rows of fast growing trees
- Growing of only fooder crops in between two widely spaced rows of first growing trees
The First Round Table Conference lasted from:
- 12th Aug 1930 to 19th Jan 1931
- 12th Sep to 19th Jan 1931
- 12th Oct 1930 to 19th Jan 1931
- 12th Nov 1930 to 19th Jan 1931
How many basic pillars of Islam are there?
- 4
- 6
- 5
- 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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