PAF Intelligence Test MCQs Practice

PAF Verbal Intelligence Test Practice

1 / 20

What comes next in the following series?
2 , 7 , 14 , 23 , 34 , 47 , 62 , ___?

2 / 20

particular : fussy ::
------- : subservient

3 / 20

What will come next in the following series :16 12 28 84 ------- ?

4 / 20

Snow is to Mountain as Crown is to ___.

5 / 20

------ : horse : board : train

6 / 20

tureen : ::goblet : wine

7 / 20

------- : trail :: grain : grail

8 / 20

Meat is to Vegetarian as Liquor is to ___.

9 / 20

4 : 6 ::-------- : 16

10 / 20

son : nuclear ::
-------: extended

11 / 20

coif : hair ::----- : musical

12 / 20

What will come next in the following series : 4 12 36 108 ------ ?

13 / 20

Fair is to Fare as Hair is to ___.

14 / 20

Under is to Below as Apex is to___.

15 / 20

Much is to More as Little is to ___.

16 / 20

Needle is to Sew as Pen is to ___.

17 / 20

Cobbler is to shoes as Mason is to___.

18 / 20

Grapes is to Wine as Wheat is to ___.

19 / 20

What comes next in the following series?
2 , 5 , 9 , 19 , 37 , ___?

20 / 20

What comes next in the following series?
D , F , H , J , L , ___?

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The average score is 53%


PAF Intelligence Test MCQs Practice for one Pakistan Air force test preparation online.

PAF Intelligence Test MCQs Practice

There are total 20 question in this important PAF Intelligence Test MCQs Practice for verbal intelligence test in Pakistan Airforce test preparation online.

This verbal PAF Intelligence MCQs Test will help the candidates to understand the basic concept of air force intelligence test.

After Attempting all the questions in this intelligence base test candidates must submit their test to see final result.

After submitting the mcqs test, the candidates are able to see their obtain marks and average Score of others in this PAF intelligence test for online preparation.

More Practice: Verbal Intelligence Test Practice for more preparation.

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