PAF Intelligence Test Verbal

Verbal Intelligence Test MCQs Quiz 2

1 / 20

Complete the series: D, F, H, J, ____.

2 / 20

Cotton is to Quilt as _______ is to blanket.

3 / 20

If GOLFER is coded as EOJFCR then STUCK will be as.

4 / 20

What comes next in the series: AZBBZCCCZDDD?

5 / 20

If Murshid is smaller than Azhar but taller than Ahmed. who is the tallest of the three?

6 / 20

If Sunday dawned three days before yesterday what day will down two days after tomorrow?

7 / 20

What number should come next: 8, 4, 2,1, 1 /2, 1/4 ______

8 / 20

If A = 1, FAT = 27, then FAITH = ?

9 / 20

If 135× 604 = 43056 and 27 × 698 = 82976, then 32× 864 = ?

10 / 20

If 4 X 5 = 1620, 3 X 8 = 924 then 7 X 6 =?

11 / 20

October is to August as tomorrow is to ______.

12 / 20

Which letter precedes the letter which is 13th from D?

13 / 20

Which of the following sequences is similar to “77677: 76767: 77767”?

14 / 20

Arrange in the correct sequence: Marriage registration, proposal, engagement, marriage.

15 / 20

A is taller than B, and B is taller than C, who is tallest.

16 / 20

Zips, zops, Zaps & zips, Try the best line

17 / 20

Choose or find odd word: Apple, Mango, Potato, Orange

18 / 20

which one is related to bakers.

19 / 20

Which letter comes twice in CLEVER and only once in COME?

20 / 20

A is B’s sister, C is B’s mother, D is C;s father, E is D’s mother. Then how is A related to D?

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The average score is 68%


There are total twenty questions in this important PAF intelligence test verbal for Pakistan Air Force test preparation online.

This PAF verbal intelligence test will help the aspirants to understand the basic concept of Pakistan Air Force verbal intelligence test for their preparation

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After the test submission, participants of the quiz will see a link to the next quiz in the series of our verbal intelligence tests for one Pakistan Air Force test preparation.

This PAF verbal intelligence mcqs test is an effort to help students for the Pakistan Air Force test preparation online.

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