PAF Online Test Practice

PAF Online Test Practice

1 / 20

------ : festive ::
funeral : somber

2 / 20

Admission is to Admit as Blood is to ___.

3 / 20

What will come next in the following series : 13 15 17 19 21 ------ ?

4 / 20

hovel : dirty :: hub : ----

5 / 20

bog :----- ::
slumber : sleep

6 / 20

What comes next in the following series?
10 , 4 , 12 , 4 , 14 , 4 , 16 , 4 , 18 , 4 , ___?

7 / 20

---- : segue ::
throng : mass

8 / 20

ragtime : United States ::
raga : ----

9 / 20

miserly : cheap :: : flax
homogeneous : -----

10 / 20

Newspaper is to Editor as Film is to ___.

11 / 20

Listen is to Hear as look is to ____.

12 / 20

What will come next in the following series :5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 , ------- ?

13 / 20

fetish : fixation ::
slight : ----

14 / 20

Palm is to Finger as Foot is to ___.

15 / 20

What comes next in the following series?
58 , 47 , 36 , 25 , ___?

16 / 20

Pat is to Tap as Tar is to ___.

17 / 20

As Food is to Growth so as Knowledge is to ____.

18 / 20

Water is related to Dam as Trade is to ______ .

19 / 20

Gold is to Ornaments as Wood is to ____.

20 / 20

What comes next in the following series?
3 , 5 , 6 , 10 , 9 , 15 , 12 , ___?

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The average score is 59%


PAF Online Test Practice MCQs for verbal test preparation in Pakistan Airforce.

PAF Online Test Practice MCQs

There are totally twenty mcqs questions in this PAF Online Test Practice series.

This PAF Online Test Practice for verbal intelligence will help the students to understand the basic concept of Pak Airforce jobs intelligence test.

After Attempting all the mcqs in this series test, candidates must submit their test to see final marks.

After submitting the mcqs intelligence test, candidates are able to see their obtain score and average Score of others in this mcqs test for online test preparation.

This verbal PAF Online Test Practice for intelligence test mcqs will help students for Pakistan Airforce test preparation online.

More Practice: Verbal Intelligence Test

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