Pak Navy UDC Past Papers MCQs

Rearrange spelling Chikara?
  1. city
  2. provine
  3. capital
  4. none
Rearrange spelling eddfodils?
  1. wild
  2. flower
  3. fruit
  4. etc
Newton’s second law of motion?
  1. F = ma
  2. p=mv
  3. F= sm
  4. none
Neil Bohr Gave atomic ____?
  1. number
  2. model
  3. properties
  4. none
Opposite of Happy?
  1. content
  2. jovial
  3. unhappy
  4. joyful
If 4 x 5 = ?
  1. 1620
  2. 1625
  3. 25
  4. 20
A is to E as C is to ___?
  1. G
  2. F
  3. H
  4. J
If FACE is coded as 6135 then ACE is Coded as ____?
  1. 357
  2. 657
  3. 135
  4. 176
A man is facing west, He turned 45 degrees in the clock-wide direction then another 180 degrees in the same direction and then 270 degrees in the anticlock direction. which direction is he facing now?
  1. south
  2. north-west
  3. west
  4. south-west
Write the base of-(-6)⁵​?
  1. 6
  2. -6
  3. -6×5
  4. 5

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