Pak study General Knowledge MCQs

Important Pak study General Knowledge MCQs with Answers dates and year in Pakistan history for all types competitive exams preparation.

Important Pak study General Knowledge MCQs Years

712 – Muhammed Bin Qasim Conquered Sindh. He defeated Raja Dahir, the ruler of Sindh.

1001 – Mahmud Ghaznvi first invasion in India. He attacked India 17 times in 25 years. 

1025 – Ghazni last attack on Somnat Temple.

1030 – Kitab ul Hind written by Al Biruni.

1191 – First Battle of Tarain.

Fought between the Ghurids, a Turkish tribe, led by Muhammad Ghori and the Rajputs led by Prithviraj Chauhan and his allies.

In the First Battle Of Tarain, PrithviRaj Chauhan won the battle against Muhammad Ghori. 

1192 – Second Battle of Tarain.

Fought between the Ghurid and the Rajput allies led by Prithvi Raj Chauhan.

Muhammad of Ghori defeated the army of Prithiviraj Chauhan, who was captured and killed.

1206 – Mamluk Dynasty (Beginning of Delhi Sultanate).

The Mamluk dynasty was founded by Quṭb al-Dīn Aibak, a Mamluk (enslaved soldier) of the Muslim general Muḥammad of Ghūr.

1241Mongols conquered Lahore.

The Mongols under the leadership of Genghis Khan sacked Lahore.

1290 – Beginning of Khilji Dynasty.

It was founded by Jalal-ud-din Khalji.

1299Alauddin Khilji defeated Mongols.

1320 – Beginning of Tughlaq Dynasty. The dynasty was ended in 1413.

1333 – Ibn-Battuta visited India.

1398 – Amir Timur Invaded India.

He crossed Indus river and captured Multan, and just walked over to Delhi without much resistance.

1414 – Beginning of Sayyed Dynasty.

Sayyid Dynasty was founded by Khizr Khan and lasted for a term of 37 years.

1451 – Beginning of Lodhi Dynasty.

 It was the fifth and final dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, and was founded by Bahlul Khan Lodhi.

1526 – Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi. (Beginning of Mughal Empire).

Babur was the founder of the Mughal Empire in the Indian subcontinent.

1527 – Babar defeated Rana Sanga in the Battle of Khanwa.

1539Battle of Chausa between Humayun and Sher Shah suri.

1540 – Battle of Bilgram (Sher Shah Defeated Humayoun, Beginning of Sur Empire)

1555 – End of Sur Empire

1556– Second Battle of Panipat between Hemu and Akbar

1556 – Beginning of Akbar Reign

1582 – Akbar Introduced Deen-e-illahi

1592 – Emperor Shah Jehan Was born at Lahore

1600 – East India Company Established

1627 – Beginning of Shah Jehan Reign

1632 – Construction of Taj Mahal Started.

1653 – Taj Mahal Construction Completed

1658 – Beginning of Aurangzaib Rein

1673 Construction of Badshahi Masjid Lahore

1707 – Death of Emperor Aurangzaib

1757 – Battle of Plassey between British East India Company and Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah

1761 – Third Battle of Panipat between Maratha and Durani Empire

1764 – Battle of Buxar

1767 First Mysore war (1767 – 1769)

1780 – Second Mysore war (1780 – 1784)

1790 – Third Mysore war (1790 – 1792)

1837 – Urdu replace Persian as official language of India

1843 – Annexation of Sindh by the British

1849 – Annexation of Punjab. Fall of Sikh Empire (1799 – 1849)

1853 – First Indian Railway Track

1857 – War of independence.

1858 – Govt of India act.

1861 – Indian Council act.

1864 – Sir Syed Formed Scientific Society at Ghazipur with aim to translate western into vernacular languages.

1866 – Darul Uloom Deoband was established in Saharanpur.

1867 – Urdu-Hindi Controversy.

1875 – MAO College Ali Gerh Established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

1876 – Queen Victoria had been named Empress of India.

1885 – Indian National Congress founded by A.O Hume.

1905 – Partition of Bengal.

1906 – Muhammad Ali Jinnah Joined Indian National Congress.

1906 – Foundation of All India Muslim League on 31st December.

1907 – Seditious meeting act.

1908 – Bal Gangadhar Tilak (the first leader of Indian independence movement) was sentenced to 6 year jail.

1909 – Minto Morely reform.

1910 – Indian press Act.

1911 – Partion of Bengal is cancelled.

1913– Muhammad Ali Jinnah Joined Muslim League.

1914 – Ghadar party was founded.

1915 – 9th June, Gandhi arrived in India.

1916 – Tilak founded Indian Home rule on 28th April in and Poona. Later Annie Besant started home rule league on 25th September.

1916– Lucknow Pact.

1918 – Beginning of the trade union movement.

1919 – Khilafat movement Started.

1919Feb 16, Rowlatt Act.

An act which gave power to the police to arrest any person without any reason. 

191913th April, Jallianwala Bagh Incident.

Incident in which General Dyer order his men to fire on an unarmed civilian crowd protesting for their rights.

1919 – 5th December, Montage Chelmsford Award. Came into operation 1921.

1920 – Congress Non Co-operation movement started.

1920 – Muhmmad Ali Jinnah left Indian National Congress.

1921 – Malabar rebellion (August 20, 1921 – 1922 in the Malabar region of Kerala).

1922 – 5th February; Chaura Chauri Incident (3 civilian and 22 policeman died). Gadhi suspend non cooperation after this incident.

1924 – Khilafat movement Ended.

1927 – Simon commission appointed to suggest the future constitution reform.

1928 – Nehru Report (28th August).

1929 – Fourteen Points of Muhammed Ali Jinnah on 28th March.

1930 – Simon commission published report in 30 May.

1930 – First round table conference in London.

1930 – Gandhi Launch civil disobedient movement with his epic dandi march also known as salt march.

1931 – March 5, Gandhi Irwin Pact. Civil disobedient movement was suspended.

1931– Second round table conference in london.

1932 – British PM Ramsay Macdonald announced Communal Award on 16 August.

1932 – Third Round Table Conference.

1935 – Govt of India Act passed.

1937 – Election were held under act of 1935 in eleven provinces.

1939– Congress Ministries resigned. Muslim league observe this as “Day of Deliverance”.

1940 – 23 March, Muslim league passed Lahore Resolution.

1940 – Viceroy Lord Linlithgow announced August offer on 8th Aug.

1942 – Winston Churchill announced Cripps Mission.

1942– 8th August, Congress started quit India movement.

1943 – Karachi session of Muslim League adopted the slogan “Divide and Quit” .

1944Jinnah Gandhi Talks to discuss C.R formula and two nation theory.

Rajagopalachari’s formula was a proposal to solve the political deadlock between the All India Muslim League and the Indian National congress.

1945 – Simla Conference, meeting between the Viceroy Lord Wavell and Indian Parties leadership.

1946 – Muslim League Observed Direct Action Day on 16 August.

1946 – Cabinet Mission came to India to discuss the transfer of powers from the British to the Indian leadership.

1946 – Interim Government of India formed headed by Jawaharlal Nehru.

1947 – 20th February, British Prime Minister Atlee announced that British Government leave India no later than June 1948.

1947– Lord Mountbatten the last British Viceroy and Governor general of India sworn on 24th March.

1947 – 3 June partition plan or Mountbatten plan, Indian Independence Act 1947.

1947 – Indian Independence Act was passed by the British parliament on July 5 and approved by Royal assent on July 18, 1947.

1947– 11 August, Quaid e Azam addressed in the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

1947 – 14 August, Pakistan independence day.

Must Read: Pakistan Studies MCQs – [ 712 – 2024 ] CE

All these Pak study General Knowledge MCQs with Answers PDF are compiled for the student of Pak study and who are participating in competitive exams.

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