Pakistan Government Institutions MCQs

NADRA Ordinance was promulgated in:

  1. 1947
  2. 1973
  3. 1998
  4. 2000

NETCA was established on:

  1. 2005
  2. 2010
  3. 2011
  4. 2009

In Pakistan military, FWO stands for:

  1. Frontier Weapons Organization
  2. Fort Abbas Works Organization
  3. Federal Works Organization
  4. Frontier Works Organization

In Pakistan, BISP stands for :

  1. Benazir Information Support Programme
  2. Benazir Income Support Programme
  3. Benazir Income Support Progress
  4. Benazir Income Society Programme

NTC stands for:

  1. National Telecommunication Corporation
  2. National Telecommunication Company
  3. National Telegram Corporation
  4. None of these

NTDC stands for:

  1. National Transmission and Despatch Company
  2. National Transmission and Despatch Corporation
  3. National Transmission and Desk Company
  4. National Transmission and Database Company
  5. None of these

SMEDA stands for:

  1. Small and Medium Entities Development Authority
  2. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency
  3. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority
  4. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Association
  5. None of these

The Federal Government may Amend the schedule of FIA act:

  1. By notification in the official Gazette
  2. By verbal direction
  3. Without notification in the official Gazette
  4. none of these

Pakistan Special Police Establishment Ordinance 1948:

  1. Has been replead by FIA act
  2. Has been not replead by FIA act
  3. cannot be replead by FIA act
  4. none of these

NACTA Stands for:

  1. Pakistan National Counter Terrorism Authority
  2. Pakistan National Committee Terrorism Authority
  3. Pakistan National Counter Terrorism Action
  4. Pakistan Nuclear Counter Terrorism Authority

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