Pakistan Government Institutions MCQs

The Pakistan Special Police Established in:

  1. 1949
  2. 1947
  3. 1950
  4. 1948
CEC stands for:
  1. Chief Election Committee
  2. Chief Election Commissioner
  3. Chairman Election Commissioner
  4. Chief Electricity Commissioner
  5. None of these
In Pakistan, PARC stands for:
  1. Pakistan Abottabad Research Council
  2. Pakistan Agricultural Renegotiate Council
  3. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
  4. None of these
IRSA is a:
  1. Water regularity authority
  2. Spy agency
  3. Satelite system
  4. None of these
HEC stands for:
  1. Higher Education Commissioner
  2. Higher Education Commission
  3. Help Education Commission
  4. None
Who inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan:
  1. Malik Ghulam Muhammad
  2. Quaid-e-Azam
  3. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
  4. Liaquat Ali Khan
NDMA stands for:
  1. National Disaster Management Authority
  2. National Development Management Authority
  3. National Disaster Management Authentication
  4. Nation Disaster Management Authority
  5. None of these
When NADRA was established:
  1. March 10, 2001
  2. March 10, 2003
  3. March 10, 2000
  4. None of these

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