Which country has the largest population in the world?
- America
- India
- China
- Pakistan
Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Martyred date?
- 12 sep 1965
- 12 nov 1965
- 13 oct 1971
- None of these
Thermometer is used to measure?
- water
- temperature
- pressure
- None of these
synonym of clean
- Dirty
- Neat
- Bride
- None of these
Boling point of sulpher in centigrade?
- 420
- 442
- 444
- none of these
Dhaka is the capital of which country is ?
- Pakistan
- Bangladesh
- Turkey
Find the odd one out in the following. cow goat sheep horse
- cow
- goat
- sheep
- horse
What is the next number in the following series? 4, 8, 24, 96
- 804
- 408
- 556
- 480
In which country Kendra river is present?
- Brazil
- Kenya
- Malaysia
- None of these
Which is the most populated city in Pakistan?
- Islamabad
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Murree
Also Read: All Pak Navy Past Papers for any test preparation online.
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