Pak Study MCQs Quiz 11

Pak Study 11

1 / 20

The disobedience organized by Congress to be discontinued under?

2 / 20

Who is the Current Prime Minister (PM) of Pakistan?

3 / 20

In_____the East India Company began to fortify their important ac Calcutta.

4 / 20

The idea of separation of Sindh from Bombay was first presented in?

5 / 20

Who was the Governor General of India during the conquest of Sindh?

6 / 20

A “History of the people of Pakistan” is written by?

7 / 20

Article 3 of the Constitution of 1973 provides for?

8 / 20

Who wrote the pamphlet on “The separation of Sindh from Bombay” in 1924?

9 / 20

Pakistan has coastline of about?

10 / 20

Sindh was constituted as an independent province on?

11 / 20

Which of the following mountain peaks is called Killer Mountain ?

12 / 20

The height of Himalaya range increases as it moves from ?

13 / 20

The Salt range is situated between rivers soan and _____________?

14 / 20

What is the Height of Tirichmir peak ?

15 / 20

Identify the second highest Glacier of the world ?

16 / 20

What is the height of Siachin Glacier ?

17 / 20

Baltura Glacier is located in _____________ ?

18 / 20

The length of Baltur Glacier is ____________ ?

19 / 20

The length of Siachen Glacier is ___________ ?

20 / 20

How many peaks above 8,000 meters are found in Pakistan ?

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The average score is 62%


Pakistan Studies MCQs Online Test

There are twenty questions in this important Pakistan Studies MCQs Online Test for online preparation.

The quiz will help the aspirants to understand the basic concept of Pakistan Studies MCQs Online Test for one paper exam preparation.

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After the quiz’s final submission, aspirants will see the link to the next quiz in the series of our Pakistan studies quizzes for one paper preparation.

This Pak study quiz is an effort to help students to prepare their PAK study test for subject specialist tests and one-paper competitive exams.

Read More: Pak Study past papers and MCQs for preparation.

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