Pak Study MCQs Quiz 15

Pak Study 15

1 / 20

Who was the founder of the Habbari dynasty in Sindh?

2 / 20

Who did Ibn Battuta visit in India?

3 / 20

Who was Jabir ibn Hayyan from?

4 / 20

Yousaf Raza Gillani has become _________ Senate Chairman of Pakistan?

5 / 20

On 15th August, 1947, Quaid-e-Azam took oath as the first______of Pakistan.

6 / 20

When Pakistan came into being, at that time Pakistan had_____provinces.

7 / 20

The basic driving force behind the creation of Pakistan is?

8 / 20

Daughter of East was written by___?

9 / 20

Sir Syed Khan Ahmed became chief judge in which year?

10 / 20

Who was the First woman Governor of State Bank of Pakistan?

11 / 20

Moenjodaro is a 4,000-year-old city of the ____________ ?

12 / 20

Moenjodaro means ____________ ?

13 / 20

The largest Natural fresh Water Lake in the subcontinent is ___________?

14 / 20

Lal Shahbaz Qalandar wrote several books in Persian and _________ ?

15 / 20

The Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalander is situated in ___________?

16 / 20

The Thar desert is called ___________ ?

17 / 20

How many Barragas are there in Sindh ?

18 / 20

Marvi is a folk story of ____________ ?

19 / 20

Who was King Umar ?

20 / 20

The Sindh Provincial Museum is located in __________ ?

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The average score is 66%


Pakistan Studies MCQs Test Online

There are twenty questions in this important Pakistan Studies MCQs Test Online for online preparation.

The quiz will help the aspirants to understand the basic concept of Pakistan Studies MCQs Test Online for one paper exam preparation.

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Candidates must submit the quiz at the end to see their final marks and the average scores of other aspirants participating in this Pakistan Studies MCQs Test Online.

After the quiz’s final submission, aspirants will see the link to the next quiz in the series of our Pakistan studies quizzes for one paper preparation.

This Pak study quiz is an effort to help students to prepare their PAK study test for subject specialist tests and one-paper competitive exams.

Read More: Pak Study past papers and MCQs for preparation.

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