Pak Study MCQs Quiz 14

Pak Study 14

1 / 20

The people gathered in Jallianwala Bagh were protesting against?

2 / 20

Who is the Current Deputy Prime Minister of Pakistan?

3 / 20

Who is the present Deputy Prime Minister of Pakistan?

4 / 20

Who is the 4th Deputy Prime Minister of Pakistan?

5 / 20

When was simla agreement signed ?

6 / 20

In what year did the First Crusade begin?

7 / 20

Who conquered Constantinople?

8 / 20

Who built Cordova and when?

9 / 20

When did Salahuddin Ayyubi defeat the Christians?

10 / 20

Who was the founder of the Habbari dynasty in Sindh?

11 / 20

The shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is located in ___________ ?

12 / 20

Malakhra is a traditional game of __________ ?

13 / 20

Which city is on the border of Sindh and Punjab Provinces ?

14 / 20

Which city of the Sindh is popular for woodwork industry ?

15 / 20

Risalo is the best known collection of romantic poetry in the ________ Language.

16 / 20

Shah Abdul Latif is the author of _____________ ?

17 / 20

Largest city of Pakistan is __________ ?

18 / 20

The shrine of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai is located in _________ ?

19 / 20

The hottest place in Pakistan is ___________ ?

20 / 20

Moenjodaro is located at the west bank of the Indus in the __________ ?

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The average score is 71%


Pakistan Study Online Test

There are twenty questions in this important Pakistan Study Online Test for competitive exams preparation.

The quiz will help the students to understand the basic concept of Pakistan Studies for one paper exam preparation.

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Candidates must submit the quiz at the end to see their final marks and the average scores of other students who participate in this Pakistan Study Online Test.

After the quiz final submission, aspirants will see the link to the next quiz in the series of our Pakistan studies quizzes for one paper preparation.

This Pak study quiz is an effort to help candidates to prepare their PAK study test for subject specialist tests and one-paper competitive exams.

Read More: Pak Study past papers and MCQs for preparation.

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