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At night Plants Intake
- Carbon Dioxide
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- None
Gobi desert is in
- China and Mangolia
- Iran and Iraq
- Saudi Arabia and Yamen
- All
Who is called "Baba E Urdu"?
- Noor Ahmed
- Molvi Abdul Ul Haq
- Amir Amanullah
- Ahmad Shah Abdali
- All of the above
قلعہ اٹک کو کس مغل بادشاہ نے تعمیر کروایا تھا
- جہانگیر
- شاہ جہاں
- بابر
- اکبر
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
Antonym of ZEAL is ?
- hostility
- diffidence
- apathy
- contempt
ANSA is the news agency of which country
- Spain
- Italy
- Denmark
- Norway
- None of these
Mujadid Alif Sani is title of__
- Shah waliullah
- Syed Ahmed Shaheed
- Sheikh Ahmad sirhindi
- Syed Ahmad Khan
- None of these
The largest producer of cotton in the world is ____?
- India
- China
- Pakistan
Synonym of “AMNESTY” is ______?
- Pardon
- Judicial
- Security
- Assistance
The battle of Balakot was fought between Syed Ahmed Shaheed and the:
- English
- Hindus
- Sikhs
- Marhattas
- None of these
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