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What is the total area of Punjab Province?
- 347,190 Sq Km,
- 300,190 Sq Km,
- 205,344 Sq Km,
- 200,344 Sq Km,
- None of these
In France, the Bastille Day is celebrated on _____?
- 14 July
- 14 June
- 12 July
- None of these
Maharaja Heri Singh of Kashmir signed instrument of accession with India on :
- August 14,1947
- October 26,1947
- August 16,1947
- August 14,1948
Pakistan has a 1046-kilometer coastline located along the:
- Arabian sea
- Gwadar
- Golf
- Iran
Synonym of Terminate
- Suspend
- Reject
- Commemorate
- Start
- End
When did Shimla conference held
- July 1946
- July 1945
- June 1947
- None
Geographically, Pakistan is located in which of the following regions?
- North Asia
- South Asia
- Central Asia
- None of these
Muslim league was founded in which year?
- 1905
- 1906
- 1913
- 1947
- 1911
Who wrote a book titled “Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind”?
- Abu-ul-Kalam Azad
- Sir Agha Khan
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
- Syed Amir Ali
Which Radio Station already existed at the time of creation of Pakistan?
- Karachi
- Peshawar
- None of these
- Quetta
- None of these
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