Past Paper of ASF Inspector MCQs 2012

Pakistan biggest and most powerful radio station is ?
  1. Peshawar
  2. Faisalabad
  3. Lahore
  4. Islamabad
Longest tunnel of Pakistan is Khojak Tunnel,it is located in
  1. Sindh
  2. Kpk
  3. Balochistan
  4. Punjab
The first session of Mohammadan Educational Conference was held in Bengal _____?
  1. 1885
  2. 1886
  3. 1888
  4. None
Pakistan most important and major crop is ___
  1. wheat
  2. Rice
  3. Cotton
  4. Sugar Cane
Mulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Maulana Rasheed Ahmad and Maulana Mahmood ul Hassan belonged to
  1. Ali Garh Movement
  2. Deoband movement
  3. Both
  4. None
Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasions against ___?
  1. Marhattas
  2. Sikhs
  3. Mughals
  4. None
The followers of Haji Shariat Ullah were known as:
  1. Faraizis
  2. Maabis
  3. Muntazar-Islah
  4. Najdis
  5. None of the above
Lahore share border with which Indian city?
  1. Amritsar
  2. Delhi
  3. Bombay
  4. None
In which year MAO School was upgraded to the status of college?
  1. 1878
  2. 1877
  3. 1879
  4. 1880
Lord Minto came to India as a Viceroy in the Year?
  1. 1905
  2. 1907
  3. 1908
  4. 1910
  5. 1906

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