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Pakistan biggest and most powerful radio station is ?
- Peshawar
- Faisalabad
- Lahore
- Islamabad
Longest tunnel of Pakistan is Khojak Tunnel,it is located in
- Sindh
- Kpk
- Balochistan
- Punjab
The first session of Mohammadan Educational Conference was held in Bengal _____?
- 1885
- 1886
- 1888
- None
Pakistan most important and major crop is ___
- wheat
- Rice
- Cotton
- Sugar Cane
Mulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Maulana Rasheed Ahmad and Maulana Mahmood ul Hassan belonged to
- Ali Garh Movement
- Deoband movement
- Both
- None
Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasions against ___?
- Marhattas
- Sikhs
- Mughals
- None
The followers of Haji Shariat Ullah were known as:
- Faraizis
- Maabis
- Muntazar-Islah
- Najdis
- None of the above
Lahore share border with which Indian city?
- Amritsar
- Delhi
- Bombay
- None
In which year MAO School was upgraded to the status of college?
- 1878
- 1877
- 1879
- 1880
Lord Minto came to India as a Viceroy in the Year?
- 1905
- 1907
- 1908
- 1910
- 1906
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